Legal Notice

1. Privacy Policy


The online store Nutsery®, web related field and is fully owned by the denominational magrana SPRL group. For any questions about this activity, please contact by mail:

Mr. Michael Vande Velde, manager.

Avenue Louise 523

1050 Bruxelles


For other questions related to our products, thank you to contact our sales team here.

Intellectual property

All rights related to the online store Nutsery®, including but not limited to, logos, downloadable documents and images, are protected. Unless otherwise indicated, all rights belong to the company magrana SPRL. Reproduction of all or part of the information on this Web site or any other electronic communication is strictly prohibited, unless the contact person mentioned above has authorized. Any user who reproduce information from this site will be held responsible. The information on this web site and its newsletters may only be kept for informative purposes. Copying information is limited to private use.

Personal informations

Personal data are transmitted to a secure server through firewalls that utilize the latest encryption technologies. Access to your information is limited only to authorized personnel. Our security policy is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure that the data is protected against unauthorized access. However, Nutsery® society through magrana SPRL group can not guarantee the removal of all the risks associated with Internet use. It may be asked Nutsery® to disclose information in compliance with current European legislation, particularly in the legal proceedings, to respond to complaints and / or claims, or for any other reason. According to the law on the protection of privacy with regard to processing of personal data, the company magrana SPRL reserves the right to access, modify or refuse to process personal information, such as name, surname and the email address. Subscribers can contact Nutsery® mail to modify their information or unsubscribe electronic communications sent by Nutsery® or its partners.